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(since 2019)

Partners: IAHC, Institute of Legal Arts at Tel Aviv University and Citysquare 


Participants: professionals from a range of related fields – architects, planners, engineers, real estate agents, real estate developers, appraisers, lawyers, social workers etc.

Goals: This innovative course, offered for the first time in Israel at Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Law, trains professionals from related fields to become profesional Urban Renewal Organizers.  The course, offered by top lecturers in the area, equips participants with the knowhow and tools to conduct effective and fair urban renewal projects.


Partners: IAHC, Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality and its housing and urban renewal subsidiary Ezra & Bizaron


Participants: Interested residents of Tel Aviv, with a focus on the southern and east neighborhoods.

Contents: The course provided residents with basic info about the process of urban renewal: the different stages, parties involved, residents' rights etc. It gave them tools to understand proposals from private and public entrepreneurs of urban renewal projects and encouraged them to elect representatives who could effectively move the process forward and/or protect the residents' rights and interests.

ACRE WORSHOP  (2017-18)

Partners:  IAHC, Acre Municipality, Ministry of Construction & Housing, Ministry of Welfare & Social Services. Project Renewal, the Mediation Center


Participants: About 20 municipality officials, relevant professionals & local activists


Stage 1 (Theoretical) - The course provided its participants with relevant up-to-date theoretical knowledge on focal issues in the social, economic and physical aspects of urban renewal.

Stage 2 (Practical) – Participants implemented what they had learned by laying the groundwork for a potential urban renewal project at the Hermon Complex in Acre. Their practical work included social mapping of all 120 households and conducting democratic elections for an 11-member committee that represents the residents.


Partners: IAHC, Ministry of Construction & Housing, the Housing, Community & Law Clinic at Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Law

Participants: Managers in the Project Renewal program of the Ministry of Construction & Housing

Contents: The course addressed the social and physical aspects of urban renewal, providing its participants with a sound foundation of information and practical tools for coping with one of Israel's greatest challenges: upgrading the quality of life in poor communities by improving physical conditions, while building new residential units in existing neighborhoods to increase the overall housing supply.


Social Mapping & derived recommendations for the Sha'ar Yosefatl urban renewal plan (2019)


Partners: IAHC, Bat Yam Municipality, LOG


Background: Sha'ar Yoseftal in Bat Yam is a large urban renewal project advanced by the Israeli government.


Our involvement: IAHC was commissioned by the Bat Yam Municipality to conduct comprehensive social mapping of the Sha'ar Yoseftal neighborhood, preparing to undergo urban renewal. For the first time in Israel, the mapping project resulted in very specific and detailed recommendations for the actual building plan, down to a resolution of apartment sizes, public area plans and flexible apartment plans that can be altered in the future to suit their owners' changing needs (for example: apartments that can be split without the need for obtaining a special permit).


Achievement: The first social mapping project in Israel to produce high-resolution recommendations for the actual building plan.

Training various different target audiences in the theory and practice of urban regeneration from a social perspective. 

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© 2014 The Affordable Housing Center

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